The Five Core Elements

of Fidelis International Seminary

Metanarrative (MN)

The Bible is one big book. It’s also one big story about the Holy Creator God who made everything and everyone. Theology is the “queen of the sciences”, in that all things in the universe have their origin and source in Christ.

Students will encounter God in community through reading the Bible and the assigned books books in  addition to watching videos and lectures. the The fertile soil of God’s redemptive plan for the cosmos gives students the confidence for sustained lives on-mission.

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets,

he [Jesus] interpreted to them

in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Luke 24:27

And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets,

he [Jesus] interpreted to them

in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.

Luke 24:27

Spiritual Formation (SF)

Scripture memory and meditation on key portions of the biblical text is foundational to every lesson. Learners labor to walk in the light of God’s written revelation as their spiritual lifeblood.

Disciple-Making Movements (DM)

Students will be required to learn about and labor in the task of prayer, proclaiming the gospel and simple obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ as revealed in His word.

One key piece of this element is integrating the Zumé Training.

He told them another parable.

“The Kingdom of heaven is like leaven

that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour,

until it was all leavened.”

Luke 24:27

…while bodily training is of some value,

godliness is of value in every way,

as it holds promise for the present life

and also for the life to come.

I Timothy 4:8

Personal Wellness (PW)

Often physical health is neglected by many in modern-day occupations. Fidelis cohorts are a place for spiritual and physical growth. Simple health related habits and disciplines are important for future leaders to establish for long-term vitality. These are encouraged in a context of community in the cohort.

Public Policy (PP)

Reading great books from classical Western thought, learners will be confronted with a historical Christian vision of faithfulness in all spheres of human life (economics, civics, etc.). Thanks to the academic resources that have been made available, students will be able to learn from experts and in an engaging manner.

You are the Salt of the earth,

but if the salt has lost its taste,

how shall its saltiness be restored?

Matthew 5:13

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